WildC.A.T.s:Covert Action Teams #16

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Release date : Dec 1. 1994
ANGELA #1~#3

Story so far:
Ben Santini, the leader of the Black Razors, reveals to his priest that he fears that he will kill the man that injured him many months ago, Lord Emp. The Black Razors then undergo their mission, to stop the Daemonites from attacking important industrialists, and find out that a Daemonite with shape-shifting abilities is masquerading as a member of the WildC.A.T.s. The Razors attack the WildC.A.T.s in the hope of exposing the masquerade. They eventually learn that Maul is the one being impersonated and Ben Santini is left with a problem: attack the Daemonite or kill Lord Emp, the man he blames for the misery in his life. He shoots the Daemonite and lets the WildC.A.T.s to ponder where the real Maul is.

TITLEEnd Program
StoryJames Robinson
PencilsTravis Charest
InksTroy Hubbs
ColorsJoe Chiodo
Color assistMartin Jimenez
For Image Comics, Inc.:
Executive DirectorLarry Marder
PublisherTony Lobito
Assistant EditorSarah Becker
Editor in chiefBill Kaplan
WildC.A.T.s created by Jim Lee and Brandon Choi
coverTravis Charest
PinupTravis Charest and Gary Martin
Computer coloring and productionWildStorm Effects
WildStorm Effects:
Kevin Angus, Nick Bell, Ray Britt, Claudia Chong,
Robert Chong, Jeromy Cox, Ben Dimagmaliu,
Joe Dunn, Ben Fernandez, Christian Milos,
Paul Mobbs, Jason Morlon, Todd Parsons,
Chris Provinzano, Homer Reyes, Rob Ro,
James Rochelle, Jessica Ruffner, John Uhrich,
Carlos Vasquez
ComicraftJohn Gauhell, Bill O’Neil, Dave Lanphear

SPAWN made a cameo appearance.



こんにちは!私の名前はSeiji Iwasaです。 ニックネームはKildareです。
IMAGE COMICS(アメリカンコミックス)のSPAWN、またIMAGE COMICSで活躍した後にMARVEL COMICSへと移籍したANGELAに関するコミックスの収集家です。自分のコレクションを紹介するとともにそれらのコミックスの内容などについても紹介しています。紹介するコミックスに興味を持たれましたら幸いです。またそれ以外にも自分の趣味のものなども随時、紹介しています。

Hello! My name is Seiji Iwasa. Please call me "Kildare".
I am a collector of comics related to SPAWN from IMAGE COMICS (American Comics) and ANGELA, who was active at IMAGE COMICS and then transferred to MARVEL COMICS. In addition to introducing my own collection, I also introduce the contents of those comics. I would appreciate it if you were interested in the comics I introduced. In addition to that, I also introduce my hobbies from time to time.

Seiji Iwasaをフォローしてください。
Seiji Iwasaをフォローしてください。
