IMAGE COMICS.com/McFarlane.com
Last issue, everything changed! The world of Spawn was rocked by the most stunning moment in the series’ sixteen year history. And now, the mystery deepens… Sides are chosen and secrets are revealed…
Al Simmons was a hit man for the U.S. government until until his C.O. Jason Wyn, betrayed him and a mysterious assassin ended Al’s life. At the moment of death, Al was offered a deal by the demon Malebolgia and returned to Earth as Spawn, a creature with supernatural powers born in Hell.
Having thwrted the lastst plots of the demon lord Mammon and his internal allies, Simmons has glimpsed his future. He realizes his struggles against his fate have become a futile quest for redemption; he remains a pawn in the Great Game between Heaven and Hell. Returning to the alleys he used to haunt, Simmons decides it is time to put an end this vicious cycle once and for all. Using the last vestige of his power, he blows his own head off – the one true way to kill s Hellspawn.
This act sends ripples across the realms of Heaven and Hell, alerting both sides that something is out of balance. Furthermore, Simmons’ act seems to have created an “anomaly” where he lay – a patch of earth where neither Heaven nor Hell holds power.
At the moment of Simmons’ death, a young man wakes up in a New York hospital after years in a coma. Suffering from acute memory loss and disturbing visions, his body recover at a supernatural pace.
Not everyone reacts so favorably, A hospital janitor places a surreptitiops call announcing that “Patient 47” has woken up. This information causes the recipient of the call to immediately take his own life.
Later, Simmons’ longtime tormentor, the Clown, visits the alley to investigate the cause of the anomaly. There he stumbles upon Simmons’ corpse...

2nd print
Todd McFarlane and Image Comics Present | |||
Sharing | Name | Sharing | Name |
Title | END GAME part two | Editor | Todd McFarlane |
Writers | Todd McFarlane, Brian Holguin | Managing Editor | Jennifer Cassidy, Tyler Jeffers |
Pencils | Whilce Portacio | Publisher for Image Comics | Eric Stephenson |
Digital Inks | Todd McFarlane | SPAWN CREATED BY TODD McFARLANE | |
Color | Jin Han | ||
Lettering | Tom Orzechowski | ||
Cover Artists | Todd McFarlane, Whilce Portacio, Greg Capullo |



Craig Rowand



What is The ‘Elders’?
SPAWN #186にてClownが次のように言います。” I’m free. Because now they’re both dead! Malebolgia and Spawn. Oh, sure I wish it was me who had killed them, but I knew the ‘Elders’ were watching. 俺は自由さ。何故なら今、奴らは死んじまった。MalebolgiaとSpawnさ。あぁ、確かに奴らが殺されるのを望んでいたのは俺さ、だが、’長老たち’が見ていることを俺は知っていた。
SPAWN #189でもClownはMorganと話をしている際に「The Elders、長老たち」と言ってます。しかし、#186、#189以外にThe Eldersについては言及されていません。Malebolgiaが第八階層の魔王であり、その上にはLuciferがいます。(GLORY-ANGELA #1) ですので、Malebolgia直系の長老たちという立場かと思います。アメリカンコミックスではこういう伏線めいたことがそのままになっていることがよくあります。
Todd McFarlaneはKISSが好きなので彼らの9枚目のアルバム「Music from “The Elder”」からヒントを得てセリフに加えたが、そのままになっているのかもしれません。