Fan-favorite artist GREG CAPULLO returns as guest artist, bringing his inimitable style to a story arc which includes three characters he is passionate about drawing. Spawn continues to find himself caught in a vicious game between heaven and hell and their players. In order to move his master plan forward, Clown needs help from behind bars, which leads to a face-to-face confrontation with Sam and Twitch. The Freak returns to bring back a dark message, and Jim begins to accept his current state.SPAWN creator TODD McFARLANE incorporated a one-issue encounter between three of Capullo’s favorite characters: detectives Sam and Twitch, who he’s perfected during his previous work on SPAWN, and the ultimate personification of evil, the Clown. McFARLANE brought the three characters face-to-face…
Clown’s recruit hunts down a previously unknown player, but hits a snag along the way, wreaking havoc on a group of menacing vampires.
Jim returns to the alleyways to find the once restrained angel missing. Disappointed at yet another loss of information, Jim begins to leave, but finds the delirious angel crouched in a corner, stripped of her wings. The Freak, who returns to deliver a dark message, cuts their conversation short.
Between antagonizing Jim, the Freak lets him in on a little secret – his “diseased” body isn’t something that can be cured. He’s bound to the costume.
Adding more fuel to the fire, Violator enters to satisfy an agenda of his own.

![]() cvr A | ![]() cvr B sketch |

Sharing | Name |
Title | END GAME part nine |
Writer | Todd McFarlane |
Pencils | Greg Capullo |
Inks | Todd McFarlane |
Color | Jay Fotos |
Lettering | Tom Orzechowski |
Cover Artists | Greg Capullo, Todd McFarlane, Jay Fotos |
Editor | Todd McFarlane |
Managing Editor | Jen Cassidy, Tyler Jeffers |
Publisher for Image Comics | Eric Stephenson |

スポーンは、天国と地獄とプレイヤーの間の悪質なゲームに巻き込まれ続けている。彼のマスタープランを前進させるために、Clownは刑務所の後ろからの助けを必要とし、それはサムとTwitchとの直接対決につながる。フリークが戻ってきて暗いメッセージを持ち帰り、ジムは自分の現状を受け入れ始める。SPAWNのクリエイターであるTODD McFARLANEは、Capulloのお気に入りの3人のキャラクターの間の1つの問題の出会いを組み込んでいる:彼が以前のSPAWNの仕事で完成させた刑事のSamとTwitch、そして悪の究極の擬人化であるClown。マクファーレンは3人のキャラクターを対面させた…
