He’s a thief, a rogue, a drunk and a liar. Now, as he sails with Bairn and Neva to the fallen kingdom of Endra-La, Dromo at last tells his story. It is a soaring tale of lust and revenge that spans nations. A tale of feuding kingdoms, jealous gods, mistaken identities and armies of assassins. The only question is, is any of it true?
Previously: The ghost of Neva, the Godslayer’s slain lover, has underokne a transformation of his own. Now dressed in a suit of chaos armer similar to his own, Neva tells Bairn that they must return to Endra-La, the place of their birth — the place where he murdered her — to retrieve her bones so that she may be whole again. On the journey home, Dromo regales them with tales of his adventures, but the spoken tension between the couple grows.

Sharing | Name | Sharing | Name |
TITLE | The Winter King part5 | ||
STORY | Brian Holguin | EDITOR-IN-CHIEF | Brian Haberlin |
PENCILS | Philip Tan | President of McFarlane Toys | |
INKING | Jeff De Los Santos | Larry Marder | |
INKING | Walden Wong | President of Entertainment | |
INKING | Edgar Tadeo | Terry Fitzgerald | |
LETTERING | Francis Takenaga | Executive Director of | |
COLOR | Ian Hannin | Tyler Jeffers | |
COVER | Jay Anacleto | Manager of Int’l Publishing for TMP | |
COVER | Matt Milla | Suzy Thomas | |
Assistant Editor | Francis Takenaga | Publisher for IMAGE COMICS | |
Erik Larsen | |||
SPAWN created by Todd McFarlane |
ベェアンの恋人で、殺害されたはずのネヴァの幽霊は、彼がゴッドスレイヤーに転生したことを受け入れた。現在、ネヴァは自分と同じようなカオス アーマーのスーツを着ており、ベェアンに、彼女が完全な状態になるように彼女の骨を取り戻すために、彼らの生まれた場所であるエンドラ ラに戻らなければならないと言う。彼が彼女を殺害した場所。 ドロモは泥棒であり、悪党であり、酔っぱらいであり、嘘つきです。今、彼がベェアンとネヴァと共にエンドラ・ラの滅亡した王国に向けて航海するとき、ドロモはついに彼の物語を語りだす。それは国をまたがる欲望と復讐が沸き上がる物語。反目する王国、嫉妬深い神々、間違ったアイデンティティ、暗殺者の軍隊の物語。唯一の問題は、それが真実かどうか。