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Release date : Mar 26 2014

Synopsis for “Trial of Jean Grey: Part 6 of 6”
Jean states that everything the Phoenix has done is her fault and she can not stop it. However, none of the people present could stop it either and the thought of how Gladiator had her whole family killed fills her with rage and she attacks him with new-found abilities. She absorbs and emits the psy-energy of people surrounding her, she combines her telekinesis with her telepathy. She fights against Gladiator but Oracle declares the fight to be over. Cyclops announces that they are going home and the Guardians state that the Earth is under their protection.
Back on Earth, Star-Lord gives Kitty a device to communicate with him, flirting with her. Cyclops then explains his teammates that he is going to leave to spend some time with his father, whom he thought to be dead until two days ago and drives off into space.


The entire galaxy is a mess. Warring empires and cosmic terrorists plague every corner. Someone has to rise above it all and fight for those who have no one to fight for them. PETER QUILL,a.k.a. STAR-LORD,GAMORA, the most dangerous woman in the universe, DRAX THE DESTROYERROCKET RACCOON, and Groot are the… GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY.


Peter Quill’s estranged father, the king of Spartax, tried to capture the Guardians for disobeying his new rule that no alien hand may touch the planet Eaeth. In return, Peter shamed him with some colorful public defiance.

The hunter/warrior Angela has come to this galaxy because of a time-space continuum accident. She is trying to figure out her place in the galaxy.

When other parts of the galaxy hears of the original X-men (Cyclops, Angel, Iceman, the Beast and Jean Grey) now living in this time period, the Shi’ar decided Jean Grey needs to be held in judgment over her past actions as the Phoenix.

The Shi’ar sent a team to battle the X-men and took Jean Grey and put her on trial. The Guardians of the Galaxy discover this was is happening. Though too late to stop it, they grabbed the X-men and took them to help rescue Jean.

Out in space the Guardians and X-men met up with the space pirates known as the Starjammers, led by Scott Summer’s estranged father Corsair.

Meanwhile, on trial and helpless, Jean was shown irrefutable evidence that, as the Phoenix, she committed galactic genocide. Horrified, she escaped.

The Starjammers and Guardians made it to the Shi’ar homeworld and were confronted by the Imperial Guard… But Jean Grey appeared to give herself up.

SharingName      SharingName 
WRITERBrian Michael BendisAssistant EditorEllie Pyle
ARTSara Pichelli
& David Marquez
Senior EditorStephen Wacker
COLOR ARTISTJustin PonsorEditor in ChiefAxel Alonso
LETTERERVC’s Cory PetitChief Creative OfficerJoe Quesada
COVERSara Pichelli
& Justin Ponsor
PublisherDan Buckley
Executive ProducerAlan Fine
ANGELA created by Todd McFarlane & Neil Gaiman

Jeanは、別人格であるPhoenixが犯したことはすべて自分のせいであり、それを止めることはできないと宣言する。裁判の出席者の誰もそれを止めることはできなかったが、GladiatorがJeanの家族全員を殺したことにより、Jeanが激怒し、新たに発見した自分の能力で彼を攻撃したことを考えるに至った。彼女は周囲の人々の精神エネルギーを吸収して放出し、テレキネシスとテレパシーを組み合わせる。彼女はGladiatorと戦うが、Oracleは戦いが終わったと宣言します。Cyclopsは自分たちはCharles Xavierスクールに戻ることを言い、Guardiansは地球が自分の保護下にあると宣言する。


こんにちは!私の名前はSeiji Iwasaです。 ニックネームはKildareです。
IMAGE COMICS(アメリカンコミックス)のSPAWN、またIMAGE COMICSで活躍した後にMARVEL COMICSへと移籍したANGELAに関するコミックスの収集家です。自分のコレクションを紹介するとともにそれらのコミックスの内容などについても紹介しています。紹介するコミックスに興味を持たれましたら幸いです。またそれ以外にも自分の趣味のものなども随時、紹介しています。

Hello! My name is Seiji Iwasa. Please call me "Kildare".
I am a collector of comics related to SPAWN from IMAGE COMICS (American Comics) and ANGELA, who was active at IMAGE COMICS and then transferred to MARVEL COMICS. In addition to introducing my own collection, I also introduce the contents of those comics. I would appreciate it if you were interested in the comics I introduced. In addition to that, I also introduce my hobbies from time to time.

Seiji Iwasaをフォローしてください。
Seiji Iwasaをフォローしてください。
