Appearances of SPAWN in Image Comics
Release date : Dec 4.1996~Apr 2.1997![]() | |
クロスオーバー作品等を参照しても本編に戻れるようにしてあります。月内に刊行されたサブタイトルは順番にリンクしています。 |
#1 : Dec 1996
The Martians launch their invasion of Earth, first taking out a Stormwatch Sentinel sattellite and then destroying 76.3% of Earth’s military; Earth’s super-heroes begin to notice the attack: Grunge and Caitlan Fairchild see reports on the television in California; Spawn defends his alley friends from giant insects in New York; Savage Dragon and Superpatriot rescue Alex Wilde on the streets of Chicago; and President Bill Clinton calls Jacob Marlowe to ask for the WildC.A.T.S. assistance; The Martians discuss that if they face too much trouble from Earth’s heroes they will promise Earth’s governments peace if they surrender their super-heroes.

Sharing | Name |
story | Keith Giffen |
art | Andy Smith |
& Bill Sienkiewkz | |
letters | Chris Eliopoulos |
color:I.H.O.C | |
Reuben Rude | Abel Mouton |
Bill Zindel | Lea Rude |
John Zaia | and Jose Arenas |
film output | Studio Colour Group |
editor | Erik Larsen |
assistant editor | Garrett Chin |
For image comics | |
Executive Direct | Larry Marder |
Art Director | Doug Griffith |
Graphic Design | Kenny Felix |
Production Manager | Ronna Vladic |
Communications Director | Kelly Van Landingham |
Controller | Lee Patin |
Distribution | Germaine Zachariah |



#2 : Jan 1. 1997
Shadowhawk rescues a child from the attack of Giant Ants in New York City; In the Martian Operations Center for North America, situated in the ruins of Detroit, the Martians discuss their plan of attack; Elsewhere in Detroit the Deadly Duo argue with each other; In Chicago the Savage Dragon and Superpatriot rescue an injured Dart and Rapture from Martian attack; In the skies over Los Angeles Freefall takes down several Martian saucers with the help of the rest of Gen 13; In a Chicago M.A.S.H. Unit Barbaric and Ricochet look for Mighty Man; In New York Witchblade and the Maxx help rescue more civilians while on the other side of the Lincoln Tunnel Cyberforce’s Stryker discusses the evacuation of the city.

Sharing | Name |
story | Keith Giffen |
script | Gary Carlson |
art | Andy Smith |
& Bill Sienkiewkz | |
letters | Chris Eliopoulos |
color:I.H.O.C | |
Reuben Rude | Abel Mouton |
Bill Zindel | Lea Rude |
John Zaia | and Jose Arenas |
film output | Tony Kelly and Kell-O-Graphics |
editor | Erik Larsen |
assistant editor | Garrett Chin |
For image comics | |
Executive Direct | Larry Marder |
Art Director | Doug Griffith |
Graphic Design | Kenny Felix |
Production Manager | Ronna Vladic |
Communications Director | Kelly Van Landingham |
Controller | Lee Patin |
Distribution | Germaine Zachariah |



#3 : Mar 1997
Superpatriot is named leader of the United Resistance Effort Against The Martians; The Martians decide to refocus their attacks on Earth’s super-heroes; At WildC.A.T.S. headquarters Savant and Spartan discover that the Martians have studied Earth’s military history for years; In New York, while under attack by Giant Insects, Cyberforce receive anonymous assistance from Spawn, who then rebuffs the partnership of Shadowhawk; In San Francisco Mighty Man takes out numerous Martian saucers; Superpatriot instructs Earth’s heroes to launch an organized counter strike against the Martians; In Detroit the Deadly Duo and Liberty & Justice sneak into the Martian headquarters with the assistance of Labman; Savage Dragon heads to Mars with the assistance of Vanguard.

Sharing | Name |
story | Keith Giffen |
script | Gary Carlson |
art | Andy Smith |
& Bill Sienkiewkz | |
letters | Chris Eliopoulos |
color:I.H.O.C | |
Reuben Rude | Abel Mouton |
Bill Zindel | Lea Rude |
John Zaia | and Jose Arenas |
film output | Kell-O-Graphics |
editor | Erik Larsen |
assistant editor | Garrett Chin |
For image comics | |
Executive Direct | Larry Marder |
Art Director | Doug Griffith |
Director of Prod. & Marketing Services | Ronna Vladic |
Graphic Design | Kenny Felix |
Controller | Lee Patin |
Communications Director | Brent Braum |

Image Universeのヒーローたちが巨大昆虫と戦っていると、突然、昆虫が爆発する。それはAl:Spawnが銃で撃ったものだった。それを見かけたShadowhawkが一緒に戦うことを提案するが、Al:Spawnは一人で戦うと告げ、テレポーテーションして姿を消した。

Al:Spawnが最後にShadowHawkに会っているのは”ShadowHawk vol.1 #17″ Paul JohnstoneがShadowHawkになっていた時。1996年となるとPaul JohnstoneはAIDSで命を落としていて、”The New ShadowHawk”での高校生のEddie CollinsがShadowHawkとしてデビューしていたと思われ、確かにAl:Spawnとは初対面だ。だが、Paulとは全く面識がなかったEddieはAl:Spawnのことを伝えられてはいなかっただろう。こんなに偏屈な人物だとは思っていなかったに違いない。

#4 : Apr 1997
The explosion in Detroit only managed to take out the shield generator that supplies all of the flying saucers with force-fields. Further damage was halted by channeling the blast into the surrounding city, wiping out any surviving civilians. Liberty is taken away and repeatedly raped by Martians in an attempt to create a hybrid. Justice breaks free and ruthlessly slaughters all of the rapists and rescues his sister. The heroes within the stronghold then escape from the facility as it breaks up into its component parts to supply reinforcements to the losing invading forces.
SuperPatriot gives a final rallying cry to his allies as superheroes across the globe initiate a final strike against their enemies. U.S. Male is found dead by Backlash, killed while protecting the Bill of Rights. Eventually the Martians are forced to call to Mars for help but only Dragon has survived to answer their call and he warns them that they will all soon be dead.
The entire alien fleet arrives back on Mars, with little life support and fuel in their vessels, only to discover that their entire society has been wiped out by an asteroid storm and they have no resources to survive with and not enough fuel to return to Earth. Jake Farrell relieves his old friend of command over the globe’s forces and heads off to start up the clean up project. A number of heroes have been killed, including Youngblood and the Pact. The legions of dead are mourned but the human survivors celebrate their victory and thank their heroes for keeping them all alive.

Sharing | Name |
story | Keith Giffen |
script | Gary Carlson |
art | Andy Smith |
& Bill Sienkiewkz | |
letters | Chris Eliopoulos |
color:I.H.O.C | |
Reuben Rude | Abel Mouton |
Bill Zindel | Lea Rude |
John Zaia | and Jose Arenas |
film output | Kell-O-Graphics |
editor | Erik Larsen |
assistant editor | Garrett Chin |
For image comics | |
Executive Direct | Larry Marder |
Art Director | Doug Griffith |
Director of Prod. & Marketing Services | Ronna Vladic |
Graphic Design | Kenny Felix |
Controller | Lee Patin |
Communications Director | Brent Braum |

Mars Attacks Image#3にてShadowHawkに話しかけられたAl:Spawnはテレポートしてどっかに
The End?という形で終わります。

映画”Mars Attacks!”に関連してさまざまなコミックス会社から発売されていました。もとはといえばトップス社のカードゲーム”Mars Attacks!”が原案になります。Image Comicsでは他にも”Mars Attacks The Savage Dragon #1~#4″が発売されました。こちらは純粋にThe Dragonの戦いが描かれていてAl:Spawnが登場することはありませんでした。なんか尻切れトンボのような終わり方でしたね。