Years ago in the sewers beneath Philadelphia, Battlestone led Chapel, Duke, Dutch, and Al Simmons on a covert mission for Jason Wynn to root out Cybernet. Leaving the wounded Duke and Simmons behind, the team found and eliminated a Cybernet squad. Afterward, they chased one operative who escaped into the subway tunnels and got themselves lost. Then, Dutch proved to be a traitor and shot Stone. In the present, he is in the custody of Project: Born Again, reliving his memories as the project scientists erase them to gain control of his mind. Next, Stone recalls training on a farm with a man named Cartwright. Then, he remembers fighting the Baron with the Allies during World War II. But, Diehard kicked him off the team when his actions in battle accidentally led to SuperPatriot being injured. Finally, Stone flashes back to squabbling with his brother, Cabbot, when they were children. To his mother’s horror, their father encouraged it believing such conflict made them stronger. Now, Battlestone awakens, and the Born Again scientists declare him ready to the satisfaction of Alexander Graves.
The origin of Battlestone is revealed, from his days working with Chapel and Al Simmons to the Allies during WWII. Also a glimpse into his childhood and relatioship with his brother Cabbot.
Sharing | Name |
plot | Rob Liefeld |
script | Eric Stephenson |
penciler | Marat Mychaels |
inker | Al Vey |
colorist | Gloria Vasquez |
letterer, associate editor | Kurt Hathaway |
Color Separations | EXTREME COLORS |
Editor | Eric Stephenson |
Donald Skinner, Andre Khromov, Ron Rife, Dave Smith, Brenda Donnelly, Andy Troy, Elizabeth Lewis, Tanya Laib, Jeff Voeltner, Kendra Collie | |
Editor | Eric Stephenson |
Extreme Studios | |
Bussiness Manager | Cheri Liefeld |
promotions and marketing | R.Matthew Hawkins |
executive Director | Larry Marder |
publisher | Tony Lobito |
editional assistance | Nicole Vitz |
creator | Rob Liefeld |
Al Simmons made an appearance as a member of Knightstrike.
一番左がAl Simmons。
“Brigade vol.1 #13″の記事でも書きましたが、今号のプレビューが掲載しているからと”Brigade vol.1 #13″を購入して、こちらの”Battlestone #1″も購入したわけです。Al Simmonsの登場は冒頭だけでした。
John Annex Stoneは”Battlestone”というコードネームを持つ工作員であり、”Brigade”の創設メンバーで、リーダーでもある。超人的な能力を持っていて政府の工作員にとって絶対的な存在だったが、Youngbloodに在籍している際にメンバー数名が死亡したことの責任を問われ、同チームから追放されます。その後のことはRob Liefeldのほかの作品で分かるようにしっちゃかめっちゃか。超人過ぎる存在を最初に描き過ぎて話を続けるのにとんでもない出来事を起こさないと前の話を超えていけなくなる。キャラクターのインフレ度合いが高騰しているわけです。