Characters of SPAWN

Al Simmons/Spawn
His real name is Albert Simmons.
The hushed whispers in the dark tell of a curse that has beenwith man since before the day when he scrawled pictures of bison on cave walls. It is a curse tired to mortal man, and his sins, to those people that die and end up in the place known as Hell.
It is written in the scriptures and prophecies of the apocrypha that there will come a day of great battle, called Armageddon. On the day, the heavens will touch down to the Earth and Hell will rise up to meet it, mixing the smell of incense and eternal spring with the stench of brimstone and sulphur. All manner of sinful creatures that hid in the dark, destroying lives, will step forth to combat the light. It id the one chance that Hell has to conquer humanity. But to succeed in the this fight, it is a matter of numbers. Hell needs all the souls it can corrupt into its armies to overwhelm the force of Heaven, forever banishing goodness from human existence.
Hell is a place of many complexities, with many levels, each ruled by the blackest of evil lords. The eighth sphere contains by far the worst, known as the Malebolgia. His only goal, as that of all in Hell, it total annihilation of enemies he cannot yet defeat: Heaven and God. He keeps his army about him, preparing for the battle to come. But an army is only as good as the officers that lead it.
With this in mind, the Malebolgia has hand-picked a certain group of souls to be his captains and generals, his Hellspawn. They are both his playthings and servants, chosen for questions they possess or have the potential to manifest. The Malebolgia is searching for souls with the right wiring, capable of doing and being everything he excects them to be. He has waited an eternity and can afford to take his time on their training and torment.
These Hellspawn are chosen about once every century, at a great cost of energy and essence to the Malebolgia, for they are special. They don’t have to be evil to begin with, though the seed must already exist within them. To that end, the Malebolgia has each chosen soul trained, nurtured by violence, so that they bloom a hideous fiower of evil and murder. In the end, none of them will have a heart nor compassion left to speak of and will thus be fit to lead an assault of sinners upon the very Pearly Gates themselves. One such officer-in-training walks the Earth today, known as Spawn. In life his name was Al Simmons.
Al was born to loving middle class parents who lived in a quiet neighborhood outside of Pittsburgh. He grew up like any other kid, going to school, and playing a few sports. However, his competitive mature set him apart. He was always driven to win and accepted no less than total victory in everything he did, whether it was on the ball field, or just having a conversation. He would never start a debate unless he knew he could get his point across. To Al, there was no point in starting anything if there eas no way he could win.
Al went from high school straight to college where he was first noticed and then recruited into the CIA. As part of his new job, he joined the military, rapidly going up through the ranks, and gaining a place on a special elite unit set to guard the president. While on duty with this unit he saved the president from an assassin’s bullet for which he was rewarded a huge promotion to Lieutenant Colonel. His combat skills and aptitude for quick learning brought him to the attention of Jason Wynn who became his personal mentor, drawing him publicly into the intelligence community.
Jason Wynn was a master of manipulation, and led Al Simmons into believing, at least at first, that everything they did had a purpose and was for the good of American security. The missions became more bloody with fewer rational explanations, some even causing civil wars. What was once a strong friendship, or so it appeared to native Al, rapidly deteriorated as Simmons began to question his commander Wynn and his motives. This continuous butting of heads would not be tolerated by the likes of Jason Wynn, nor would it go unpunished.
It was a mission just like the eight previous, where Al was going to kill in the name of his government when he was turned on by two of his fellow agents, Chapel and Priest, ironic names at best. The two agents opened fire on Al with laser weapons, burning him beyond recognition. Al had been set up by Jason Wynn because he’d become a thorn in the man’s side.
Al Simmons was buried with great media fanfare because he’d been their darling since his televised rescue of the President many months before. He was a hero, his coffin draped in an American flag which was given to his widow Wanda Blake while the country watched. Stories ran for days of the lad buried in Arlington National Cemetery who’d risked and lost his life, all in the name of his country.
But existence didn’t end for Al when he was burned by his treacherous comrades. At the moment of his death, he made a pact he’d later barely recall. Al had always had an Achilles’ heel, ill-affored to a killer in his position. Al loved his wife beyond bearing and the deal hinged upon this. Though he was an atheist at the time of his death, Al would do anything to see his wife again and the Malebolgia took him at his word. In a split second, or so it seemed, he was returned to Earth. Al Simmons had now become an officer in traing, one of Malebolgia’s hand picked Hellspawn for this century, bound to a symbiotic uniform and infused with hell-born energy. Al was able to follow orders, had killer instinct, and was willing to make the bargain; all of the Malebolgia’s requirements.
At first Al was disoriented which was part of the Malebolgia’s training plan. What had seemed only a second was actually five years. Soon, Al was begining to learn however, taught both by a demon chaperone, and with some knowledge from the Malebolgia himself. Al was faced with the choice of doing nothing with his new powers or using them, for good or for ill. If he did nothing, he would be allowing evil to continue and that would help serve Hell. But he also knew that if he became a force for good and killed those that were evil with his hell-born energy, as his instincts told him to do, he would just increase the population of the armies in Hell readying for battle with Heaven. And even if he became evil, and used the power, accepting what he had become, learning to hone and harness his abilities, he became that much more valuable to Hell. He was and is now thrice-damned by Hell.
Worst of all for Al, Hell is not content to wait for him to make his decision. His guardian demon, the Clown, is there to dog his steps and push and prod him. This demon, who transforms into the hideously disfigured Violator, a creature born in the pits of Hell, has chosen to target the loved ones from Al’s life, and to put Al at odds with law enforcement and humanity in general. Spawn is hounded by them now as the mob, the government and the cops all seek to stop this “cloaked enemy of society”. It is this harassment that Hell hopes will drop the Hellspawn back to his instincts, those of a government-trained assassin, who would kill without questioning and act without thinking.
But it turns out that Al’s Achilles’ heel is Hell’s as well. He loved his wife and came back to see her. He has discovered that she remarried, to his best friend Terry Fitzgerald who was able to give her the child he never could. Although frustrated, he realizes that she is happy and so he’s moved on to search for a new identity and a way to come to terms with his new condition. His love for her was so deep that it actually helped salve some of his wounds and he’s begun to heal spiritually. He now has to find a way to go on, because this game too must have a way to win.
The easiest and most immediate purpose he sees is to exact revenge on Jason Wynn, whom he’s discovered ordered his death. He’s taken to living with the homeless people in the alley’s of the Bowery, where he was first returned to Earth, and has become their defender of sorts. He knows he should do something more for them and himself, but he now knows that finals curse laid upon him is that his power on Earth is finite. Once he is emptied of his Hell-born energy, he will be returned to the malebolgia and become a favored slave leading an army of the damned with no hope of redemption. His task now is to use his powers wisely to figure out a way, if any, to break this contract, one that has never before been broken.
彼の本名はAlbert Simmons。通称はAl Simmons。
地獄は多くの複雑な場所であり、多くのレベルがあり、それぞれが最も邪悪な支配者によって支配されています。 8 番目の球体には、マレボルジアとして知られる最悪の球体が含まれています。彼の唯一の目標は、地獄のすべての目標と同じように、まだ倒すことができない敵、つまり天国と神を完全に殲滅することです。彼は軍隊を周囲に配置し、来たるべき戦いに備えています。しかし、軍隊はそれを率いる将校と同じくらい優れています。
それは前の8つとまったく同じミッションで、アルが政府の名の下に人を殺そうとしたとき、同僚のエージェント2人、チャペルとプリースト、よく言えば皮肉な名前だった人たちに敵意を向けられた。 2人のエージェントはレーザー兵器でアルに発砲し、彼は認識できないほど火傷を負った。アルはジェイソン・ウィンによってはめられたのだが、それは彼がこの男の側にとって厄介な存在だったからである。
しかし、アルの存在は、裏切り者の仲間たちによって火傷を負っただけでは終わりませんでした。死の瞬間、彼は後にほとんど思い出せない約束を交わした。アルは常にアキレス腱を抱えており、同じ立場の殺人者に対して不愉快な思いをしていた。アルは妻を耐えられないほど愛しており、契約はこれにかかっていた。アルは亡くなった時には無神論者でしたが、妻にもう一度会うためなら何でもするつもりで、マレボルジア人は彼の言葉を信じました。ほんの一瞬で、彼は地球に戻されたように見えました。アル・シモンズは現在訓練中の士官となっており、マレボルジアが厳選した今世紀のヘルスポーンの一人であり、共生の制服を着て地獄から生まれたエネルギーを注入されていた。アルは命令に従うことができ、殺人本能があり、取引を喜んで行いました。マレボルジアの要件をすべて満たしています。 最初アルは方向感覚を失っていたが、これはマレボルジアの訓練計画の一環だった。ほんの一瞬に思えた時間が、実際には5年もかかっていたのです。しかしすぐに、アルは悪魔の付き添いから教えられ、またマレボルジア自身からの知識も得て学び始めた。アルは、新しい力を何もせずに使うか、良くも悪くも使うかの選択を迫られました。もし彼が何もしなければ、悪の継続を許すことになり、それは地獄に仕えることになるでしょう。しかし、彼はまた、もし自分が善のための力となり、本能が命じるままに地獄から生まれたエネルギーで悪を倒すことができれば、天国との戦いに備えて地獄の軍隊の人口を増やすだけだということも知っていた。そして、たとえ彼が悪人になってその力を使い、自分がなったものを受け入れ、自分の能力を磨き、活用することを学んだとしても、彼は地獄にとってそれだけ価値のあるものになったのです。彼はかつても今も地獄に三度呪われています。
She’s beautiful, deadly, and 100,000 years old. Angela is a hunter, one of few angels to have been granted permits to hunt Hellspawn as part of Heaven’s cold war with Hell. She has been ruthless in her quest to rid the Earth of the Malebolgia’s creatures and has only failed to lill one: Al simmons. Whether by weakness or for some other reason, she has let this Hellspawn continue to live.
She is able to wander the cosmos at whim, riding the Flux to trasport her from place and plane to plane. However, many of her work assignments have focused on the planet Earth. It is there that most of the Hellspawn have appeared, so she’s gone where the hunting is. She keeps her skills honed by hunting other impossibly dangerous creatures, keeping herself challenged while she waits for the paperwork to come through on her spawn permits.
Angela comes from Elysium, the first level of the Seven Heavens, closest to God. It is there that all of the bureaucratic work is hanled, where the angels get their hands dirty doing God’s bidding. Her form is that of a human female, like all of the angels there, possibly the result of spontaenous aesthrtic whim on the Creator’s part. But the form hides her true power and strength, to better camouflage her intentions from her targets.
She has fought the currrent Hellspawn once, and yet he came to her aid during her trial for treason in Heaven. She is still puzzled by this turn of events. Her treatment at the hands of Gabrielle, then-ambassador from Heaven to Earth, as well as her contradictory encounters with Spawn, helped her decide to leave Elysium and go freelance. It is something generally not done, since angels don’t only belong to Heaven but are part of the Creator directly. But Angela is a one-of-a-kind.
Currently, Angela and her friends Kuan-Yin and Anahita, angels also, are wandering the universe in search of freelance work. However, one thing remains magging her thoughts. Though she was from Heaven, and Al Simmons from hell, both have the same mercenary nature, and shared something special. The two are closer than even she would care to admit.
現在、アンジェラとその友人、同じく天使であるクアンインとアナヒタは、フリーランスの仕事を求めて宇宙を放浪しています。しかし、依然として彼女の考えを悩ませていることが 1 つあります。彼女は天国から、アル・シモンズは地獄から来たが、どちらも同じ傭兵の性質を持ち、何か特別なものを共有していた。二人は彼女自身が認める以上に親密な関係にある。
Cogliostro, or Cog, was once a hellspawn who gave up the way of Hellspawn to save the last of his strength to one day free himself. He saw Albert Simmons as his ticket to once day achieve freedom and mentored him how to use his powers.
In years past, Cogliostro was known as Cain, the first murderer. He murdered his brother Abel, thus killing 1/4 of the world population of that time, and since the beginning he never wanted to serve in Hell but to rule it.
He struck a deal with Malebolgia to become a Hellspawn and serve in his army. However, he feared his return to Hell when he would one day use all of his power and vowed to never use his powers again until he could figure out how to free himself of his curse.
Mentoring Al Simmons
When Albert Simmons appeared in New York City, Cog first appeared to him as an alley bum in the Bowery Alleyways. There was more to him as he knew more about Spawn’s situation than Spawn himself.
Cog is the one who informs Spawn that his powers draw on a limited energy source, and that using it up will condemn him to eternal torment in Hell. He is the angel on Spawn’s right shoulder, opposite the Violator, who exhorts Spawn to revel in death and destruction for its own sake.
Cog reveals his mark of Malebolgia.
Eventually, Cogliostro reveals that he was also a Hellspawn, having forsaken Malebolgia long ago, and refuses to use his powers; he has one “tick” of necroplasmic power left, and any use of any of his Hell-granted powers will end his Earthly existence. Still, that single bit of power has extended his lifespan to centuries, and he does not want the newest Spawn to fall to the darkness that spawned both of them.
The Ruler of Hell
Cogliostro returned to Spawn and revealed that he was dying. He was terrified of Hell’s status ever since Spawn abandoned the throne after defeating Malebolgia. It is then after this that Spawn reveals to Cog of his plan to turn Earth into a new paradise, by allowing Hell to invade. As the absolute rule of Hell, he could then remake the world in his vision.
Spawn and Cog then travel to the deserts of Tunisia for permission from the Greenworld to transform Earth into Spawn’s ideal world. They were suddenly attacked by the third Redeemer, Eddie Frank. After the battle, Spawn was abducted by a pair of giant demon scorpions as they drag him to Hell.
Still in Tunisia, Cog was visited by Mammon who gives him the Box of Eden which Cog recognized. He walked to a nearby tree to hang himself so that he may finally return to Hell.
Redeemer, now aware of what he did wrong, also traveled to Hell to help Spawn battle the demons. After a frustrating battle against Violator, Spawn summoned all the past Hellspawn before him to help him with the other demons and takes back the throne of Hell.
Cog then ran to Spawn with the mysterious box told Spawn that this was what he needed to help him turn Earth into a paradise. Spawn opened the box which turned Hell into an Eden-like world and he saw his widowed wife, Wanda Blake. He relinquished the crown of Hell and ran to her. This was all to Cog’s plan as he grabbed the crown to become to ultimate ruler of hell.
Al’s Shadow
After this act of betrayal, Cain decided to give Spawn “what he always wanted” and sent him to Earth back as Al Simmons without the Hellspawn symbiote attached to him.
Cain has not been seen since but has been briefly mentioned, such as his plans of building a tower in Hell to pierce the Earth, or perhaps Heaven. Later issues seems to have retcon this betrayal as he helps the new Spawn Jim Downing and after Resurrection goes back to being an ally of Spawn again. However he returns to villainy again after murdering Nyx.
Cogliostro、または Cog は、かつて自分自身を解放するために最後の力を節約するために Hellspawn の道をあきらめた hellspawn でした。彼はアルバート・シモンズを自由を手に入れるための切符と見なし、彼の力の使い方を指導しました。
数年前、コグリオストロは最初の殺人者であるカインとして知られていました。彼は弟のアベルを殺害し、当時の世界人口の 4 分の 1 を殺し、最初から地獄で奉仕することを望んでおらず、支配することを望んでいました。 彼はマレボルジアと契約を結び、ヘルスポーンになり、軍隊に仕えました。しかし、彼はいつか自分の力をすべて使って地獄に戻ることを恐れ、自分の呪いから自分を解放する方法を理解するまで、二度と自分の力を使わないことを誓った.
Mentoring Al Simmons
アルバート・シモンズがニューヨーク市に現れたとき、コグは最初、バワリー路地の路地裏のお尻として彼に現れました。彼はスポーン自身よりもスポーンの状況についてよく知っていたので、彼にはもっと多くのことがありました. Cog は Spawn に、彼の力は限られたエネルギー源を利用していること、そしてそれを使い果たすと地獄で永遠の苦しみを味わうことになることを知らせる人物です。彼はスポーンの右肩にいる天使であり、違反者の反対側にあり、スポーンに死と破壊を楽しむように勧めています。 コグはマレボルジアのマークを明らかにします。
最終的に、コグリオストロは、彼がマレボルジアをずっと前に見捨てたヘルスポーンでもあったことを明らかにし、彼の力を使うことを拒否します。彼にはネクロプラズミックパワーの「ティック」が1つ残っており、地獄から与えられたパワーを使用すると、彼の地上での存在が終了します。それでも、そのわずかな力が彼の寿命を何世紀にもわたって延ばし、彼は最新のスポーンが両方を生み出した闇に落ちることを望んでいません. 地獄の支配者 コグリオストロはスポーンに戻り、彼が死にかけていることを明らかにした。スポーンがマレボルジアを倒した後、王位を放棄して以来、彼は地獄の地位を恐れていた.この後、スポーンはコグに、地獄の侵入を許して地球を新しい楽園に変える計画を明らかにします。地獄の絶対的なルールとして、彼は自分のビジョンで世界を作り直すことができた. その後、スポーンとコグはチュニジアの砂漠に移動し、地球をスポーンの理想の世界に変える許可をグリーンワールドに求めます。彼らは突然、第三の贖い主、エディ・フランクに襲われました。戦いの後、Spawn は 2 匹の巨大な悪魔サソリに誘拐され、地獄に引きずり込まれた。 まだチュニジアにいると、コグはマモンが訪れ、コグが認識したエデンの箱を彼に与えました。彼は近くの木まで歩いて首を吊って、最終的に地獄に戻ることができるようにしました。
リディーマーは、自分が間違ったことをしたことに気づき、スポーンが悪魔と戦うのを助けるために地獄にも行きました。ヴィオレーターとの苛立たしい戦いの後、スポーンは彼の前に過去のヘルスポーンを召喚し、他の悪魔と一緒に彼を助け、地獄の玉座を取り戻した。 その後、コグは謎の箱を持ってスポーンに駆け寄り、これが地球を楽園に変えるのに必要なものだとスポーンに伝えました。スポーンは、地獄をエデンのような世界に変える箱を開け、未亡人の妻、ワンダ・ブレイクを見ました。彼は地獄の冠を手放し、彼女に駆け寄った。これはすべて、地獄の究極の支配者になるために王冠を手にしたコグの計画によるものでした.
Al’s Shadow
この裏切り行為の後、カインはスポーンに「彼がいつも望んでいたもの」を与えることを決定し、ヘルスポーンのシンビオートが彼に取り付けられていないアル・シモンズとして彼を地球に送り返しました. カインはそれ以来見られていませんが、地球、またはおそらく天国を突き刺すために地獄に塔を建設するという彼の計画など、簡単に言及されています.彼が新しいスポーンのジム・ダウニングを助け、復活が再びスポーンの味方に戻った後、後の問題はこの裏切りを後回しにしたようです.しかし、彼はNyxを殺害した後、再び悪役に戻ります.
see Jason Wynn
The Forsaken
The Forsaken is a villain in Spawn comics. He was the first redeemer to be created by Heaven. His true idenity is Abel from the bible and the brother and victim of Cain aka Cogliostro now Sinn,.
The Forsaken’s history is that when the Hellspawns were born Heaven decided to created the anti-spawns aka redeemers and they used the experimental heavnely fire for the process and thus the Forsaken was born. However the experimental fire was too unsable and tained the forsaken to the point of him going insane and God was digusted with him fearing that he will taint heaven so God banished Forsaken out of heaven and since then he wanted to get back on Heaven by Killing demons and hellspawns. No other Information on the Forsaken was revealed as his files were erased from history. Thanks to the bomb caused by Spawn This caused Forsaken to resurfec still trying to get back to heaven and serve god again not aware that god wants nothing to do with him. There he reluctantly worked with a demon named Cordelia and her allies into briging them hellspawns as their pawns despite Forsaken’s own idea of killing them all. So far he had capture four hellspawns Ceturian Spawn,Pirate Spawn,Noir Spawn,and Sorcerer Spawn for Cordeilia. He later encounters another hellspawn a cybernetic one at that and was about to kill him until Spawn and Redeemer showed up to stop him. Spawn and Redeemer foguht Forsaken until the arrival of of the other three hellspawns and Forsaken and redeemer foguht. Forsaken is angry at Redeemer fighting alongside a hellspawn but redeemer reveals taht God does not want him back forcecully and that Cordelia lied to him. Shocked by this revelation he heads out to hunt and kill Coredlia for her deception.Forsaken goes to nearly kill Coderlia until Spawn arrives and the two fight but Spawn ends it by cracking his mask forcing him to retreat. Forsaken meets jericho who tells him about Cain being alive and goes to him Cain now Sinn is Shocked by Forsaken being Abel.
As the first Redeemer,Forsaken has the same powers from the Heavntly fire but more unstable,poesssing superhuman strength,speed,stamina,and durablity. He also have a healing factor and the ability of flight as well as using magic and making weapons out of heaven’s fire. He also poessed master comb
Forsaken は、Spawn コミックの悪役です。彼は天によって創造された最初の償還者でした。彼の正体は聖書のアベルであり、カインの兄弟であり犠牲者であり、現在はシンです。 Forsaken の歴史は、Hellspawns が誕生したとき、天国は Anti-spawns aka redreders を作成することを決定し、彼らは実験的な heavnely fire をプロセスに使用し、こうして Forsaken が誕生したというものです。しかし、実験的な火はあまりにも不安定で、見捨てられた人を狂気に陥れ、神は彼が天国を汚すのではないかと恐れて彼にうんざりしたので、神は見捨てられた人を天国から追放し、それ以来彼は悪魔を殺すことによって天国に戻りたいと思った.そしてヘルスポーン。彼のファイルは履歴から消去されたため、見捨てられた人に関する他の情報は明らかにされませんでした。スポーンによって引き起こされた爆弾のおかげで、見捨てられた人は、神が彼とは何の関係も望んでいないことに気づかずに、天国に戻って再び神に仕えようとしている.そこで彼はしぶしぶコーディリアという名前の悪魔と彼女の同盟国と協力して、ヘルスポーンを彼らのポーンとして連れてきました.これまでに、彼はコーデイリアのためにセトゥリアン スポーン、パイレート スポーン、ノワール スポーン、ソーサラー スポーンの 4 つのヘルスポーンを捕獲しました。彼は後にサイバネティックなものである別のヘルスポーンに遭遇し、スポーンとリディーマーが彼を止めるために現れるまで彼を殺そうとしていました.スポーンとリディーマーは、他の 3 つのヘルスポーンと見捨てられた者とリディーマーのフォグフトが到着するまで見捨てられました。見捨てられた人はヘルスポーンと一緒に戦っているリディーマーに腹を立てていますが、リディーマーは神が彼を強制的に戻してほしくないこと、そしてコーディリアが彼に嘘をついたことを明らかにしました.この啓示にショックを受けた彼は、彼女の欺瞞のためにコアドリアを狩り、殺すために出かけます. 見捨てられた人は、スポーンが到着して2人が戦うまでコーダーリアをほぼ殺しますが、スポーンはマスクを割って彼を退却させます.見捨てられたジェリコは、カインが生きていることを彼に話し、彼のところに行きます。カインは、見捨てられた人がアベルであることにショックを受けました。 Forsaken は最初の Redeemer として、Heavntly fire と同じ力を持っていますが、より不安定で、超人的な力、スピード、スタミナ、耐久性を備えています。彼はまた、魔法を使用し、天国の火から武器を作るだけでなく、ヒーリング要素と飛行能力も持っています.彼はまた、マスターの戦闘能力を持っていました。
Godsend is one of the newer villains of Spawn, first appearing in Spawn issue 293.
When Spawn killed an angel to fight who is his wife Wanda’s killer.After killing an Angel a being called a Godsend appears and asks if Al Simmons can transform into Spawn for him. Godsend created a forcefield covered in Darkness to see if Spawn can transform himself. Godsend asks simmons he can do many things fight for the side of heaven or Hell. Simmons refused and delcares that he would fight both the forces of Heaven and Hell. Godsend mocks him stating that Humans relies on hope while Spawn states that he would give them freedom after the Battle Godsend escapes. Godsend later reappears in the Spawn 296 along with the Redeemer and Coglistro as well as heaven’s elitie army known as the The Rapture to discuss battle plans to stop Spawn they tell the history of Spawn and his struggles thorught the series. In Spawn 297 after Coglistro is done explaing The Redeemer and Godsend brush off Cog’s claims and that they are confident that they can take him own.
Godsend は Spawn の新しい悪役の 1 人で、Spawn issue 293 で初めて登場します。 スポーンが彼の妻ワンダの殺人者である天使を殺したとき.ゴッドセンドは、スポーンが変身できるかどうかを確認するために、闇に覆われた力場を作成しました。ゴッドセンドはシモンズに、天国か地獄のどちらかのために戦う多くのことをできるように頼む.シモンズは拒否し、天国と地獄の両方の力と戦うことを宣言しました。ゴッドセンドは彼を嘲笑し、人間は希望に依存していると述べ、スポーンはバトルゴッドセンドが逃げた後、彼らに自由を与えると述べています。ゴッドセンドは後にスポーン296にリディーマーとコグリストロ、そしてラプチャーとして知られる天国のエリート軍と共に再び現れ、スポーンを止めるための戦闘計画について話し合う.コグリストロが終わった後のスポーン297で、救い主とゴッドセンドはコグの主張を一掃し、彼らは彼を自分のものにすることができると確信していると説明します.
Jason Wynn
Jason Broderick Wynn aka the First Redeemer/Anti-Spawn and later Disruptor is a major antagonist of the Image Comics series Spawn. He is a crime lord and businessman that serves as the director of the United States Security Group and one of Spawn’s archenemies.
He is known for being the one responsible for the death of Al Simmons, which in turn led to him becoming the Hellspawn known as Spawn. It was revealed that he made a deal with Malebolgia for Al’s soul in exchange for a piece of hell. He was also the first host of the Redeemer. He would eventually lose his reputation thanks to Simmons and later on his life at the hands of Jim Downing. He later returns as Disruptor with new powers.
Jerico is a member of Psalm.
Jericho appears as an ally of Disruptor aka Jason Wynn and they both appear to capture Cogliostro. Then they would come into contact with Spawn and Gunslinge Spawn who later put in the same cell of Cogliostro. There he had kidnapped Cy-gor for selling him into the highest bidder. Later one Jericho was leading a group on putting Cy-gor on selling him under Disruptor’s order until Soul Crusher arrived where he accidently caused Cy-gor to escape. Later Jericho was later seen again with him leading a crew to explore Billy Kincaid’s hideout where he was slayed again by Spawn and discovered his remains where he took them under Black Azazel’s orders like to revive him. Jericho is a undead who wears a suit intially looking normal but revealed himself to be a rotting corpse.
ジェリコはディスラプターことジェイソン・ウィンの味方として登場し、2人ともコグリオストロを捕まえるように見える。その後、彼らはスポーンとガンスリンジ スポーンと接触し、後にコグリオストロの同じ独房に入れられました。そこで彼は、彼を最高入札者に売ったとして Cy-gor を誘拐した。その後、1人のジェリコがグループを率いて、ディスラプターの命令でサイゴールを売却することにしましたが、ソウルクラッシャーが到着し、サイゴールが誤って逃げ出した.その後、ジェリコは乗組員を率いてビリー・キンケイドの隠れ家を探索し、スポーンに再び殺され、彼の遺体を発見し、ブラック・アザゼルの命令で彼を復活させた.ジェリコは、最初は普通に見えるスーツを着ているが、腐った死体であることが明らかになったアンデッドです。
Marc Rosen
Marc had been the blotter page writer at the New York Clarion for 6 months, but he had aspirations for more. He desperately wanted to move up to a feature writer but his boss, Mr. DeLeon, wasn’t interested. Luckily for Marc, the explosion that destroyed St. Anthony’s Hospital provided a huge opportunity to prove himself as a journalist.As Marc began to look into the case, his research led him to interview former patients of the hospital and, in the process, he discovered that all of them had seemingly been cured miraculously. Knowing that he was at the start of an amazing story, Marc grew frustrated that he was running into dead-ends and meeting resistance from the Clarion. In discussing his problems with his supportive girlfriend Susan, Marc realized that he was going to have to start breaking some rules if he was going to get anywhere. When an anonymous phone call came in with info about the St. Anthony’s fire, it was exactly the tip Marc needed – the name of Jim Downing.
Following up on the lead, Marc met met Mr. Downing and his friend Sara, a former nurse at the hospital. It didn’t take long before Marc realized that Jim was the common thread he had been looking for. Anyone who had come into contact with Jim Downing had been mysteriously cured of any illness. So excited by the revelation, Marc barely cared that he was fired from his job at the newspaper. He set out immediately to become close with Jim and even when Jim continually asked to be left alone, Marc persisted in trying to develop a business relationship. Without even rally realizing it, Marc had shifted his career from a journalist to becoming the manager of a man whom he had just recently met.
Acting as Jim’s manager, Marc struggled to keep up with demand. Jim found himself involved in more and more media events, and Marc barely had time to answer the phone calls. He enlisted his girlfriend Susan to help out, but the sudden media whirlwind started to take its toll on their relationship. Marc became obsessed with striking it rich off Jim and Susan felt slighted by his lack of attention. As if he weren’t busy enough as it was, Jim entrusted Marc with a photograph from his past – a wedding photo with an unknown wife – and asked Marc to use his connections to try and find any information about it. Marc sent the photo out to a number of his acquaintances he had acquired through his time as a journalist, and continued to field calls for Jim – a seemingly endless number of media outlets wanted to book Downing for interviews as his celebrity status continued to rise.
Eventually, one of Marc’s contacts paid off and called him with a lead about the wedding photo. The man refused to give information over the phone, however, and Marc agreed to meet him in person. Little did Marc know that he was walking in to a dangerous trap. At the time and place of the meeting, Marc received a bizarre phone call telling him that his life was in danger. He was instructed over the phone on how to escape and then he was confronted by a government agent who claimed to be an ally. The man gave Jim his card and told him to call him should he require protection – the name on the card was Terrence Fitzgerald.
Like the rest of the world, Marc was stunned to watch Jim Downing be shot on live television. He was perhaps more stunned to watch Jim get up immediately, seemingly uninjured. Nonetheless, perhaps urged by what he had just witnessed, Marc decided to contact Mr. Fitzgerald.
After the onscreen assassination attempt of Jim, Marc’s life as his manager became even more hectic. Marc struggled to keep control of Jim’s image, and was horrified to discover someone selling “saviorwear” merchandise with Jim’s likeness on it. Marc grew even more frustrated when he later found out Ramus was behind the unauthorized merchandise and Jim refused to pursuse him legally.
While Marc struggled with his duties as Jim’s manager, he neglected his relationship with Susan. She grew more and more despondent and eventually committed suicide. Her corpse was then possessed by, who took over Susan’s life as though nothing had happened. Neither Marc nor Susan’s friends were aware of her death. They were also all unaware that Leetha had infected them all somehow, along with everyone Jim had ever “saved”.
Marc’s frustrations eventually came to a head and he demanded honesty from Jim. Jim finally relented and revealed his true identity as Spawn to Marc. Armed with this new information, Marc bagan doing research on Ramus. While investigating, he was visited by a mysterious stranger named Daniel Kilgore who informed him that Spawn’s “final tests” were coming up and that Marc need to help him prepare.
Soon thereafter, Spawn visited Marc once more to instruct him to look after Sara. Then, amidst an insect invasion, Downing flew off into the city, possibly never to be seen again.
A long while later, Marc was visited by another hellspawn, Al Simmons. Al enlisted Marc into his war against the angels and demons stranded on Earth after the dead zones were sealed. Their partnership led Marc to learn about heaven, hell, angels, and demons – including the demon Hel that had been posing as his girlfriend.
Although Marc willingly helped Al, he didn’t fully trust him. Al would often leave Marc alone for long periods of time at his hideout – from which Marc had no escape. When Jim Downing re-appeared, he tracked down Simmons’ hideout, and without Al’s knowledge, Marc let Jim inside – and allowed him to leave with Cy-Gor, Freak, and Overt-Kill. Continuing to feel trapped and aimless, Marc began toying with the Medieval Spawn armor that they had been researching. In doing so, he was suddently engulfed in a green power and knocked unconscious.
マークは、ニューヨーク クラリオンのブロッター ページ ライターを 6 か月間務めていましたが、それ以上のことを望んでいました。彼はどうしてもフィーチャー ライターに昇進したいと思っていましたが、上司の DeLeon 氏は興味がありませんでした。マークにとって幸運なことに、聖アントニオ病院を破壊した爆発は、ジャーナリストであることを証明する絶好の機会となりました。マークが事件を調査し始めたとき、彼の研究は病院の元患者にインタビューすることにつながりました。その過程で、彼はそれらのすべてが奇跡的に治癒したように見えることを発見しました。驚くべき物語の始まりにいることを知っていたマークは、行き詰まりに陥り、クラリオンからの抵抗に直面していることに不満を募らせました.協力的なガールフレンドのスーザンと問題について話し合う中で、マークは、どこかへ行くにはいくつかのルールを破る必要があることに気付きました。セント アンソニーの火災に関する情報を伝える匿名の電話がかかってきたとき、それはまさにマークが必要としていた情報でした。ジム ダウニングの名前でした。 先導に続いて、マークはダウニング氏と彼の友人で病院の元看護師であるサラに会いました。ジムが彼が探していた共通のスレッドであることにマークが気付くまで、それほど時間はかかりませんでした。ジム・ダウニングと接触した人は誰でも不思議なことに病気が治っていました。啓示に非常に興奮していたマークは、新聞社での仕事から解雇されたことをほとんど気にしませんでした。彼はすぐにジムと親しくなり、ジムが放っておいてほしいと何度も頼んだときでさえ、マークはビジネス関係を築く努力を続けました。ラリーも気付かないうちに、マークはジャーナリストから、最近会ったばかりの男性のマネージャーになるようにキャリアを変えていました。
ジムのマネージャーとして、マークは需要に追いつくのに苦労しました。ジムはますます多くのメディア イベントに参加するようになり、マークは電話に出る時間がほとんどなくなりました。彼はガールフレンドのスーザンに手伝ってもらいましたが、突然のメディア旋風が彼らの関係に打撃を与え始めました.マークはジムから金持ちになることに夢中になり、スーザンは彼の注意の欠如に軽視されたと感じました。まるで忙しくないかのように、ジムはマークに彼の過去の写真 (未知の妻との結婚式の写真) を託し、マークに彼のコネを使ってそれに関する情報を見つけようとするように頼んだ。マークは、ジャーナリスト時代に獲得した多くの知人に写真を送り、ジムを呼び寄せ続けました.ダウニングの有名人としての地位が高まり続けるにつれて、無数のメディアがダウニングのインタビューを予約したいと考えていました. 最終的に、マークの連絡先の 1 つが報われ、結婚式の写真について手がかりを持って彼に電話をかけました。しかし、男性は電話で情報を提供することを拒否し、マークは直接会うことに同意した.マークは、自分が危険なわなに足を踏み入れようとしていることをほとんど知りませんでした。会議の時間と場所で、マークは彼の命が危険にさらされていることを伝える奇妙な電話を受けました。彼は電話で逃げる方法を教えられた後、味方であると主張する政府のエージェントに直面しました。男はジムにカードを渡し、保護が必要な場合は電話するように言いました。カードの名前はテレンス・フィッツジェラルドでした。
世界の他の人々と同様に、マークはテレビの生放送でジム・ダウニングが撃たれるのを見て唖然としました。彼はおそらく、ジムがすぐに起き上がり、怪我をしていないように見えるのを見て、もっと唖然とした.それにもかかわらず、おそらく彼が今目撃したことによって促されて、マークはフィッツジェラルド氏に連絡することに決めました. 画面上でのジムの暗殺未遂の後、マネージャーとしてのマークの生活はさらに多忙を極めました。マークはジムのイメージをコントロールするのに苦労し、ジムの肖像が描かれた「救世主服」の商品を販売している人を見つけてぞっとしました。後にラムスが無許可の商品の背後にいることを知り、ジムが彼を合法的に追跡することを拒否したとき、マークはさらに不満を募らせました。 マークはジムのマネージャーとしての職務に苦労していましたが、スーザンとの関係は無視していました。彼女はますます落胆し、最終的には自殺しました。彼女の死体は、何事もなかったかのようにスーザンの命を引き継いだ。マークもスーザンの友人も、彼女の死に気づいていませんでした。彼らはまた、ジムがこれまでに「救った」すべての人とともに、リーサが何らかの形で彼ら全員を感染させたことにも気づいていませんでした。 マークのフラストレーションは最終的に頭に浮かび、彼はジムに誠実さを要求しました。ジムはついに容赦し、スポーンとしての彼の正体をマークに明かしました。この新しい情報を武器に、マーク バガンはラムスの研究を行っています。調査中にダニエル・キルゴアという名前の謎の見知らぬ人が彼を訪ねてきて、スポーンの「最終テスト」が近づいていて、マークが彼の準備を手伝う必要があることを知らせました. その後まもなく、スポーンはもう一度マークを訪ね、サラの世話をするように指示した.その後、昆虫の侵入の中で、ダウニングは街に飛び立ち、おそらく二度と見られることはありませんでした. しばらくして、別のヘルスポーン、アル シモンズがマークを訪ねました。アルは、デッド ゾーンが封印された後、地球に立ち往生している天使と悪魔との戦いにマークを参加させました。彼らのパートナーシップにより、マークは天国、地獄、天使、悪魔について学ぶようになりました – 彼のガールフレンドを装っていた悪魔ヘルを含む. マルクは喜んでアルを助けたが、彼を完全には信頼していなかった。アルは、マークを隠れ家に長期間放置することがよくありました-マークはそこから逃げることができませんでした.ジム・ダウニングが再び現れたとき、彼はシモンズの隠れ家を追跡し、アルの知らないうちに、マークはジムを中に入れ、サイゴール、フリーク、オバート・キルと一緒に去ることを許可しました.閉じ込められて目的がないと感じ続けたマークは、研究していた中世のスポーンの鎧をいじり始めました。そうするうちに、彼は突然グリーンパワーに巻き込まれ、意識を失いました。
The Redeemer is Heaven’s answer to the Hellspawn. From time to time, the Ethereal Masters seek the assistance of the Star Hive: a heavenly, magical space station to create durable, loyal soldiers for the forces of God. This organization chooses mortals it feels are worthy and transforms them into angelic warriors on par with Hell’s minions, specifically the minions of Malebolgia. Much like their demonic counterparts, the Redeemers carry the same limitless rage inside their souls, however the core of their anger is that of light rather than darkness.
The first was Jason Wynn, who was chosen by the angels and physically transformed into Anti-Spawn for a brief time. The second Redeemer was originally a man named Phil Timper, introduced in issue #31. He was abducted by the beings of Angel Station and infused with the powers of Elemental Fire. In essence, he is the reincarnation of Anti-Spawn. Later on, Eddie Frank became the New Redeemer. Eddie Frank would prove much stronger than the two previous Redeemers, and actually has a different look. Later in Spawn #300 Eddie Frank would become the reapear and the redeemer is now seperated into a different body becoming an ally of Spawn and a member of Scorched.
1人目はジェイソン・ウィンで、彼は天使によって選ばれ、短期間アンチスポーンに肉体的に変身した。 2人目の救世主は元々、第31号で紹介されたフィル・ティンパーという名前の男でした。彼はエンジェルステーションの存在によって拉致され、エレメンタルファイアの力を注入されました。本質的には、彼はアンチスポーンの生まれ変わりです。その後、エディ・フランクがニュー・リディーマーとなりました。エディ・フランクは、以前の2人のリディーマーよりもはるかに強力であることが判明し、実際には異なる外観を持っています。後のスポーン #300 ではエディ・フランクが死神となり、救世主は現在別の体に分離され、スポーンの同盟者およびスコーチドのメンバーとなっています。

IMAGE COMICS(アメリカンコミックス)のSPAWN、またIMAGE COMICSで活躍した後にMARVEL COMICSへと移籍したANGELAに関するコミックスの収集家です。自分のコレクションを紹介するとともにそれらのコミックスの内容などについても紹介しています。紹介するコミックスに興味を持たれましたら幸いです。またそれ以外にも自分の趣味のものなども随時、紹介しています。

I am a collector of comics related to SPAWN from IMAGE COMICS (American Comics) and ANGELA, who was active at IMAGE COMICS and then transferred to MARVEL COMICS. In addition to introducing my own collection, I also introduce the contents of those comics. I would appreciate it if you were interested in the comics I introduced. In addition to that, I also introduce my hobbies from time to time.

Seiji Iwasaをフォローしてください。
Seiji Iwasaをフォローしてください。