Appearances of SPAWN in Ultimate Creations
Ashcan edition with wraparound cover.Cover appearances include: Captain America, The Flash, Wolverine, Bone, Milk ,Spwan and others
Professional wrestler Warrior has parleyed his success in the ring into a franchise of videos, merchandise, and other paraphernalia, of which the Warrior comic book is one example.
Warrior, credited as the writer on the book, keeps the storylines simple and action-oriented. The hero of this title owns a health club that serves as the staging area for his adventures, but he is frequently out fighting demons and aliens in other parts of the universe. Readers can count on these encounters featuring plenty of the action and attitude that makes Warrior a favorite on the WWF circuit. Moreover, each story is used to demonstrate a key element of Warrior’s personal philosophy of self-development, which is explained in text at the end of every issue.

Sharing | Name |
Writer | James Hellwig aka the Ultimate Warrior |
Artist | Jim Callahan |

SPAWN made an appearance on the cover.
SPAWNの左足に装着しているガード(棘が沢山埋め込まれているガード)を見ることができます。フリップ形式になってしてフロントとバックを合わせて一枚のイラストになっています。他にもCaptain AmericaやWolverine、The Flashなどのヒーローの姿も確認出来ます。
