Superheroic to-do lists are quite the thing. Today, Angela’s read “INVADE MY HOMELAND, WHILST PURSUED BY ASGARDIANS, CARRYING A DEMONIC CHILD WITH ONLY MY SARCASTIC SPACE FRIENDS FOR COMPANY.” What will Starlord do when he discovers that Belinda Carlisle has totally lied to him? BECAUSE HEVEN IS A PLACE FULL OF ANGELS OUT TO KILL HIM. Angela makes a difficult decision. Also some easier ones, primarily involving stabbing.
Eons ago, During a war between the angels of the 10th Realm known as Heaven and the Gods of asgard, The newborn daughter of asgard’s rulers, Odin and Freyja, was seemingly murdered by the queen of angels. In response, Odin banished the 10th Realm to another dimension. But unbeknownst to nearly everyone, the child was actually saved by one of the queen’s handmaidens and raised to believe she too was an angel.
Recently, Thor and Loki learned of the existence of the 10th Realm and their lost sibling, Resulting in both Heaven’s return to our dimension and Angela’s true identity being revealed to all. With the knowledge of her true heritage now public, Angela has been cast out of the 10th Realm and wants nothing to do with Asgard…
…Which seems strange, Considering she’s currently on the run with her friend, The recently Returned-From-The-Dead Sera, after stealing Odin and Freyja’s newborn baby. A Furious Thor(now going by Odinson) sent the deadly Valkyrie Tribe The Disir to retrieve the child, But Angela has some backup of own:The Guardians ofthe Galaxy. The Guardians helped defeat The Disir. But they then demandes to know why Angela had kidnapped her own sister. So Angela revealed to them that the baby was cursed with the power of SURTOR, and that Heven is their only hope. But once there, Will they get rid of the curse of just get rid of the child?

Stephanie Hans
Sharing | Name | Sharing | Name |
WRITER | Kieron Gillen | Assistant Editor | Jon Moisan |
PENCILS | Phil Jimenez | Editor | Will Moss |
MAIN STORY BY… | Editor in Chief | Axel Alonso | |
INKER | Le Beau Underwood with Scott Hanna | Chief Creative Officer | Joe Quesada |
COLOR ARTIST | Romulo Fajardo | Publisher | Dan Buckley |
LETTERER | VC’s Clayton Cowles | Executive Producer | Alan Fine |
WRITER | Marguerite Bennett & Kieron Gillen | ||
ARTIST | Stephanie Hans | ||
ANGELA created by Todd McFarlane & Neil Gaiman |
はるか昔、天国として知られる第1領域の天使とアスガルドの神々の間の戦争中に、アスガルドの支配者であるOdinとFreyjaの生まれたばかりの娘が、天使の女王によって殺害されたように見えた。それに応じて、Odinは第10領域を別の次元に追放しました。しかし、ほとんどの人には知られていないが、実際にはOdin等の娘は女王の侍女の 1 人によって救われ、彼女も天使であると信じるように育てられた。
Angelaは彼女の友人であり、最近復活を遂げたSeraに言われるがままに、アスガルドの次の相続人である、OdinとFreyjaの生まれたばかりの娘Laussaを拉致した後、Seraと一緒に逃走中である。Thor達が彼女らを追跡するためにHelaに属する無慈悲なValkyrie部族を放った。幸いなことに、Angelaには自身のバックアップがある: The Guardians of the Galaxy。Thor達はAngelaが自分の妹を誘拐した理由を知りたがっていた。そこでAngelaは、赤ちゃんが北欧神話の巨魔、世界の南のはてにある火焔界ムスペルヘイムの支配者SURTUR(スルト)の力で呪われていること、Hevenが彼らの唯一の希望であることを彼らに明らかにしました。しかし、Hevenに到着したら、Angelaは赤ちゃんから呪いだけを取り除くことができるか?