Appearances of Al Simmons in Image Comics
Release date : Oct 1. 1994![]() | |
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BADROCK AND COMPANY #2![]() | SPAWN #25![]() |
Release order:”SPAWN #18″→21→22→23→24→19→25→20 |
Seahawk tries to apologize to Thermal for his crabby behavior in Japan, but she nervously blows him off because she is writing her secret exposé on the team. She describes the origin of Brigade as Battlestone’s mercenary group and his subsequent recruitment of the Barros brothers. In it, she recalls how she agreed to go undercover in the team for this article, was transformed into a superhuman by a Youngblood scientist, and then recruited by Stone. Meanwhile, Battlestone trains with Crucible and Lethal, and Coldsnap suggests killing Stone to Kayo. Thermal writes about Stone’s past, from his membership in the Allies in World War II through his leadership of Youngblood and founding of Brigade. Feeling guilty about betraying the team, she changes her mind and decides to delete the story, but Boone catches her and demands she give him a copy. She refuses, and they fight, but Boone wins. He burns the article to a disc just as Battlestone,

Sharing | Name |
PLOT | Eric Stephenson |
LAYOUTS | Anthony Winn |
PENCILLER | Richard Horie |
INKER | Marlo Alquiza, Paul Scott |
SCRIPT | Eldon ASP |
LETTERER, EDITOR | Kurt Hathaway |
COLORIST | Byron Talman |
For Extreme Studios | |
Bussiness Manage | Cheri Liefeld |
promotions and marketing | R.Matthew Hawkins |
Executive Directo | Larry Marder |
Publisher | Tony Lobito |
BRIGADE created by Rob Liefeld |

The special preview of “Battlestone #1” appeared on this book.
Al Simmons appeared as a member of the knightstrike on the special preview of “Battlestone #1”.

一番左がAl Simmons

“Brigade”の本編にはSPAWNもAl Simmonsも登場しません。巻末に”Battlestone #1″のプレビューがあってそこにAl Simmonsが登場しています。
他のコミックスでも予告編が挿入されているものもあり、そこにはSPAWNが登場していたりしますが、流石にそこまでは購入していません。今号についても結局は”Battlestone #1″を購入したたわけですから、わざわざプレビューのために今号を購入する必要もなかったわけです。但し、”Valeria She-Bat #3″のように発売されなかったということもあり、そうなると予告が掲載されていた”Comics Debut”は購入しておいてよかったなということにもなります。
他のYoungblood関係の記事でも書きましたが、Spawn以外の登場人物としてはAl Simmonsが登場したコミックスは購入しています。もっぱらRob Liefeldの作品ですが。
これは推測ですが生前のAl Simmonsがあまり本編で描かれないのはTodd McFarlaneがRob Liefeldに対して「この部分に関しては本来の姿から逸脱しない程度で自由に描いてもいい。」という約束があったのかもしれませんね。