STORMWATCH vol.1 #38

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Release date : Aug 1997

SPAWN made a cameo appearance.

In 1955, I was sleeping with a port from America. He used to call me “The Spirit of the 20th Century.” He was a pratt, too, sunbeam. Just like you. I’m electric, sunbeam. I own electricity. He did have a nice bum, though, I remember that very distinctly.
— Jenny Sparks

Synopsis for the 1st Story
Henry Bendix orders Fahrenheit and Hellstrike to investigate Undertow’s death. Jack Hawksmoor assists them as they proceed. Battalion spars with Jenny Sparks to determine the extent of her powers; they far outstrip his own, even enhanced by his equipment. Karl and Maya Royko (Sunburst and Nautika), demoted to analysts last issue, assist in the investigation, determining that the explosive used in the bomb was only available to American Special Forces.
The investigating officers discover that the security video of Undertow’s apartment was edited; Bendix interrogates the building’s security chief and discovers the location of the men responsible. The men are apprehended by Hellstrike and Farenheit, and their bodies dumped in the Oval Office. Bendix threatens a reprisal against the United States.

writerWarren Ellis
pencillerTom Raney
inkerRandy Elliott
coloristGina Going
lettererBill O’neil

IMAGE COMICS(アメリカンコミックス)のSPAWN、またIMAGE COMICSで活躍した後にMARVEL COMICSへと移籍したANGELAに関するコミックスの収集家です。自分のコレクションを紹介するとともにそれらのコミックスの内容などについても紹介しています。紹介するコミックスに興味を持たれましたら幸いです。またそれ以外にも自分の趣味のものなども随時、紹介しています。

I am a collector of comics related to SPAWN from IMAGE COMICS (American Comics) and ANGELA, who was active at IMAGE COMICS and then transferred to MARVEL COMICS. In addition to introducing my own collection, I also introduce the contents of those comics. I would appreciate it if you were interested in the comics I introduced. In addition to that, I also introduce my hobbies from time to time.

Seiji Iwasaをフォローしてください。
Seiji Iwasaをフォローしてください。
