Appearances of ARIA in Image Comics
Appearances of ANGELA in Image Comics
In Aria, myth mixes with reality; gods and Faeries walk the streets of contemporary Manhattan, and a 900-year-old expatriate Faerie princess named Kildare operates a bookstore called Otherworld in Greenwich Village.
Nov 18. 1998:ARIA Preview
White Linen | |
White Linen & Gold Foil |
Sharing | Name |
Artist | Jay Anacleto |
Writer | Brian Holguin |
Production and Design | Dave Pentz |
Editor | Brian Haberlin |
“Aria #4″の表紙にAngelaが登場したことから”Aria #4″を入手したのですが、世界観や登場人物の設定、そしてJay Anacletoの絵の美しさなどが面白くてすっかり読み込むこととなりました。Variant coverまでは集めきれていません。”Preview”も未所持。内容は文章による”Aria”の世界の説明でイラストは挿し絵程度です。
ARIA #1~#4
Kildare has a good feeling about today, the kind of day when anything can happen. She receives a letter from Auntie Bell with new of the Old country and a reminder to check in on Ginny. She reads the paper and takes note of a story about a bankers son who hacked his father to death in preparation for the coming of the Dark One. After a day of listing to tiresome customers she laments how tedious mortals can be and retires to her rooms. In the Cotswolds of England a crazed man in a small cell paints fairies on the walls and repeats that they will all be dead over and over. Kildare dresses before a magic mirror and they converse as she readies herself for a night out. She arrives at a bar and finds her friend Pug has been there since noon. She greets friends from the fairies realm and asks them how they are finding New York City as she thinks about how old she is and how things never really change. England, centuries in the past, Ginny frolics, carefree with the animals in the forest. A creature scratches at the door of a local tavern, they tell the person to go away. Ginny comes skipping up to the tavern.. the door caved in and the walls smashed, she seems totally oblivious to the danger even when seeing the people slaughtered inside. Back in New York Pug walks Kildare home and once they part he walks away before drawing a huge double bladed sword and facing an unseen enemy. Outside Kildare’s apartment window a spirit, with the same eyes as the creature that attacked the tavern, floats as she sleeps.
Jan 13. 1999:ARIA #1
cvr A | Statues Variant |
Black & Noir Edition | Michael Turner cover |
Speckle Holofoil Edition Michael Turner | Blanc & Noir Edition Dynamic Forces Cover 1/5000 |
Sharing | Name |
Title | Fairy Tale Endings |
Story | Brian Holguin |
Art | Jay Anacleto |
Colors | Brian Haberlin |
Drew & Alex | |
Letters | JG & Comicraft’s Liz Agraphiotis |
ARIA Created by Brian Holguin with Brian Haberlin |
Apr 23. 1999:ARIA #2
cvr A | Black & Noir Edition |
Sharing | Name |
Title | The shores of Sorrow |
Story | Brian Holguin |
Art | Jay Anacleto |
Roy A. Martinez (pgs.10-14) | |
Colors | Andy Try, Alex, Brian Haberlin |
Letters | JG & Comicraft’s Liz Agraphiotis |
ARIA Created by Brian Holguin with Brian Haberlin |
Jun 2. 1999:ARIA #3
Sharing | Name |
Title | Homecoming |
Story | Brian Holguin |
Art | Roy A. Martinez |
Colors | Avalon Studios’ Andy Croy |
Letters | Richard Starkings and Comicraft’s Liz Agraphiotis |
Editorial Assistance | Datsy Cross |
ARIA Created by Brian Holguin with Brian Haberlin |
Dec 1. 1999:ARIA #4
cvr A | Glow-in-the-Dark cover |
Glow-in-the-Dark Aria & Angela cover |
Sharing | Name |
Title | Among Ruins |
Story | Brian Holguin |
Art | Jay Anacleto |
Colors | Avalon Studios’ Andy Croy |
Letters | Dennis Troy |
ARIA Created by Brian Holguin with Brian Haberlin |
Kildare | dwarf The Pug | Dionysus Dion |
“Ginny” Gwynnion | Count Iblis | The Dark One |
彼女がバーに到着すると、読者はバーのオーナーであるディオン:Dionが伝説のワインの神ディオニュソスに他ならないことを発見します。キルデアは友人のパグ:The Pugとして知られるドワーフ、そしてイブリス伯爵:Count Iblisとその妻として知られるフェイの商人と一緒に座っています。イブリースが彼女の容姿を褒め、母親によく似ていると言ったキルデアは、彼女の民の古代の過去を回想する。キルデアはイブリースからの贈り物を拒否してすぐに家に帰りますが、影のある人物が後を追いかけます。別の人物もパグを追いかけますが、彼はすぐに怪物の首を切り落とします。
SPAWNのコミックスを集め始め、Angelaにも惹かれてコミックスを買い漁ってきましたが、この”Aria”はそれ以外にハマったコミックスになります。特にKildareが好きで、ゲームのアカウント名に使用していました。ここのサイトの管理者としてSeiji Iwasaと本名を出していますが、ニックネームとしてKildareを使っています。もう25年以上は使っていますね。ですからSpawn、Angelaと並んでKildareは私にとって大事なキャラクターです。