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Release date : Dec 17 2014

Charactor Book:
Sam Wilson, formerly the Falcon, becomes the All-New Captain America! When Thor proves unworthy, a female God of Thunder rises up! Tony Stark declares himself the Superior Iron Man! Earth’s Mightiest Heroes undergo major changes across the board!

Centuries ago, Asgardian King Odin secretly hired the Angel’s of Heven — a blissful realm of advanced technology and skilled spies, assassins, soldiers and hunters — to protect Earth (Midgard) from rouge Asgardians who were mistreating it. When Odin learned the Angel queen had also sold strategies to Asgard’s enemies in the Ten worlds, he confronted the queen, who demanded Odin pay her to ally with Asgard. Odin refused, and a war erupted between Heven and Asgard. When Angel assassins later broke through Asgard’s defenses and kidnapped Odin’s newborn infant daughter, Aldnif, the Angel queen stabbed the infant through the heart. Odin furiously banished Heven from known existence and erased all memory of this Tenth world. However, the handmaiden charged with disposing of Aldrif’s corpse realized she still lived and raised her as Angela, hiding her Asgardian origins. The impatient, brash and curt girl become Heven’s greatest hunter, providing sustenance for the Angels; at some point, Angela received red facial designs of unreveated purpose. While growing, Angela was told stories of Earth, which she believed were myth, and raised to do nothing without receiving money or trade. Much later, various Earth beings overused time travel, causing tears throughout time and space. Durings a hunt, Angela was pulled through a fissure, riding the head of her giant prey. Arriving near Earth’s moon, Angela was shocked to see Earth. Star-Lord(Peter Quill)’s Guardians of the Galaxy deteated Angela approaching Earth and attacked her, ultimately capturing her on the Moon when a lightning bolt from Quill’s element gun caused her to collapse; afterward, the all-seeing Uatu the Watcher broke his vow of non-interference to identity her as Angela. After speaking with Angela, Star-Lord let her go with a warning to not attack Earth. While Angela observed New York City, Star-Lord and Iron Man(Tony Stark) gave her a Guardians communicator, offening her future help; Angela subsequently flew away, humbled by the non-purchased gift.
Later, Angela helped the Guardians oppose death-worshipping Thanos’ Earth invasion, despite receiving no profit; Quill subsequently promised to help her return to Heven. Afterward, she accompanied Guardian Gamora to the planet moord to seek Thanos amongst the reptilian Badoon race, and became her friend. During a subsequent battle, a Badoon slave trader implied the Badoon had an arrangement with Angela’s people, but Angela, already angered by the alave trade, unintentionally killed him before he could explain. After obtaining the slain Uatu’s eye, the mercenary Orb caused it to reveal hidden secrets; Odin’s son, the thunder god and Avenger Thor, learned of Aldrif’s existence. Told of his sister’s seeming death by his adoptive mother, Frigga, Thor and his adoptive brother Loki, journeyed to Heven and were attacked by Angels upon realizing their Asgardian origins; learnong of Heven’s entrance, Angela rushed there and defeated Thor, each unaware they were sibings. Feigning an alliance, Loki assisted tge Angel queen in planning an invasion of Asgard, instead helped destroy Heven’s fleet and retrieved Odin from a self-imposed exile. When Odin entered Heven, he recognized Angela as Aldrif, bowed to the daughter he thought lost and refused to do battle; the Angel queen was shocked to learn Aldrif lived. Angela’s childhood rearing intact, she rejected Odin’s pleas of reconcilaton and swore to kill him when next they met. After Odin and his sons departed, Heven’s Angels rejected Angela for being Asgardian; she subsequently left Heven to find her place in the Ten Worlds.
ALIASES: Aldrif odinspawn, Hunt-Leader of the Angelic Armies, Leader of the Hunt, Mistress of the Hunt, Wingless one, Strongest of all Hunters, Hunter of the Heavens
IDENTITY: Publicly known
CITIZENSHIP: Heven; formerly Asgard
KNOWN RELATIVES: Odin Borson(father), Frigga(Freyja, mother), unidentitied Angel(forter mother), Balder, Hermod, Tyr(brother), Thor Odinson, Vidar(half-brothers), Loki Laufeyson(adoptive brother), Bor Burison(paternal grandfather, deceased), Bestla(paternal grandmother, presumed deceased), Fenris, Vali Halfling, Jormungand/Midgard Serpent(nephews), Hela, Tess Black(nieces), Sigyn(sister-in-law); large extended family
GROUP AFFILIATION: Star-Lord(Peter Quill)’s Guardians of the Galaxy; formerly Heven’s Angels
EDUCATION: Unrevealed
FIRST APPEARANCE: Age of Ultron #10 (2013)
HEIGHT: 6’2″ EYES: White (no visible iris)
WEIGHT: 480 lbs HAIR: Red
ABILITIES/ACCESSORIES: Angela, like all Asgardians, has superhuman strength (litting 50 tons), durability, longevity and resistance to diseases; she was, on at least one occasion, vulnerable to lightning, presumably due to time spent in Heven. She has enhanced senses that allow her to track prey through scent and can fly thtough unrevealed means. She is a highly skilled hunter, soldier, hand-to-hand combatant and is an expert with any bladed weapon. She has a psychic connection with her oufit’s ribbons, which can strange or cut opponents. Angela carries a sword anmed Xiphos, a liquid metal, double-edged scimitar named Ichors that can take the form of any bladed weapon, and a Guardians communicator.
別名: アルドリフ・オーディンスポーン、天使軍の狩猟リーダー、狩猟のリーダー、狩猟の女王、翼のない者、すべてのハンターの中で最も強い、天のハンター
身元: 公知 職業: ハンター 市民権: 天国;かつてのアスガルド 出生地: アスガルド 既知の親戚: オーディン・ボルソン(父)、フリッガ(フレイヤ、母)、身元不明のエンジェル(母)、バルドル、ヘルモッド、テュール(兄)、トール・オディンソン、ヴィダール(異母兄弟)、ロキ・ラウフェイソン(養子弟)、ボルブリソン(父方の祖父、死亡)、ベストラ(父方の祖母、推定死亡)、フェンリス、ヴァリ・ハーフリング、ヨルムンガンド/ミッドガルド・サーペント(甥)、ヘラ、テス・ブラック(姪)、シギュン(義理の妹)。大家族
所属グループ: スターロード(ピーター・クイル)のガーディアンズ・オブ・ギャラクシー。元ヘブンズエンジェルス
教育: 明らかにされていない
初登場: エイジ・オブ・ウルトロン #10 (2013)
身長: 6’2″
: 白 (虹彩は見えない)
体重: 480ポンド
: 赤
能力/アクセサリー: アンジェラは、他のアスガルド人同様、超人的な力 (体重 50 トン)、耐久性、長寿、病気に対する耐性を持っています。彼女は、おそらく天国で過ごした時間が原因で、少なくとも一度は雷に弱くなった。彼女は嗅覚を通して獲物を追跡できるように強化された感覚を持ち、明かされていない手段で飛行することができます。彼女は非常に熟練したハンター、兵士、白兵戦員であり、あらゆる刃物武器の専門家です。彼女は衣装のリボンと精神的なつながりを持っており、敵を驚かせたり、切ったりすることができます。アンジェラは、サイフォスと呼ばれる剣、あらゆる刃物の形をとることができるイコルスという液体金属の両刃シミター、そしてガーディアンの通信機を携行しています。

こんにちは!私の名前はSeiji Iwasaです。 ニックネームはKildareです。
IMAGE COMICS(アメリカンコミックス)のSPAWN、またIMAGE COMICSで活躍した後にMARVEL COMICSへと移籍したANGELAに関するコミックスの収集家です。自分のコレクションを紹介するとともにそれらのコミックスの内容などについても紹介しています。紹介するコミックスに興味を持たれましたら幸いです。またそれ以外にも自分の趣味のものなども随時、紹介しています。

Hello! My name is Seiji Iwasa. Please call me "Kildare".
I am a collector of comics related to SPAWN from IMAGE COMICS (American Comics) and ANGELA, who was active at IMAGE COMICS and then transferred to MARVEL COMICS. In addition to introducing my own collection, I also introduce the contents of those comics. I would appreciate it if you were interested in the comics I introduced. In addition to that, I also introduce my hobbies from time to time.

Seiji Iwasaをフォローしてください。
Seiji Iwasaをフォローしてください。
